2014 Year end message

Firstly I would like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

I thought I would take the opportunity for a quick recap on 2014 and outline some plans for 2015.

Well, firstly everyone got a year older (even Ian), 24 Beavers joined, 14 children started Cubs and 13 went to Scouts, a few fell by the wayside on the journey, but not many and the group grew in size by 30% during the year. We now have over 100 youth members in four sections.

We started a whole new Scout Troop and recruited a number of extra leaders. We started the year with money in the bank and we end the year with slightly less money in the bank; having spent it on some fantastic stuff.

As a group we have flown planes, sailed boats, driven go-karts, been paintballing, hiked, camped, climbed, skated and rode bikes. We did loads of badges (sorry about all that sewing). We held two Church parades and attended St George’s and Remembrance parades with the rest of the District.

We found a new campsite and both Cubs and Scouts did loads of activities there (pot holing went down well with all age groups). We had a great family camp in Kent, we saw a fantastic west-end show and saw the final part of The Hobbit or Paddington depending on how old you were (personally I think I preferred Paddington).

The Cubs did some great community work during the year, and that’s something I want the other sections to pick up on during 2015.

Some of the other groups in Chingford District are struggling and we as a group need to help wherever possible to ensure other groups thrive, otherwise we have no one to play with or beat in swimming galas and quizzes.

So to recap, another good year for the 32nd Chingford, lots of leaders (could always do with more). Lots of children (could actually do with a few less). Loads of fun stuff done and loads more to do.

I would like to thank everyone for all the help and effort they have put in during 2014, especially the uniformed leaders of the group, but there are plenty of others that help but don’t wear uniform and they deserve a pat on the back as well, there are just too many to name here.

Eat, Sleep, Scout, Repeat.

See you in 2015

Russell Hurlock